Psychotherapy and Coaching Services in Brentwood, Santa Monica, or Anywhere in California

Life Coaching, Stress Management and Peak Performance
I promise to provide a fresh perspective on difficult problems, or situations you thought had no solution or positivity in them. I will help guide you to an effective solution that is right for you, so that you can enjoy your life with less stress.
I will be with you every step of the way until you get it right. Right doesn’t have to be perfect, right can mean whatever makes you happy and satisfied. So, get in contact with me today so that we can begin managing and sorting out your unnecessary life strains.

Marriage and Relationships
Don’t feel bad that you are looking for help with your relationship. As an experienced couple’s therapist in Brentwood, I have helped improve the lives of many couples through my counseling. Bumps in the relationship road are normal! All relationships can hit a snag at some point if the two people involved are being true to who they are. It may be a bit of an over statement, but Jean Paul Sartre said that hell is other people. Even if it is an overstatement, the core of his point has merit. We cannot have interactions with other people without some areas of incompatibility.
Compromise is important in any relationship, but not to the level of causing either individual to cross their own line of authenticity. If this crossing of boundaries does happen, then over time "zombie marriages or relationships" can develop. These half-dead relationships/marriages are capable of paying bills and feeding children, but are unable to provide some of the greatest joys there are in life.
I work with couples to bring their relationships to a new place. A dynamic relationship that has the flexibility to cope with the developing personalities of the two-people involved.
How I Work: I am a practical guy when it comes to my clients. With couples I assess their strengths and the areas they are vulnerable. I then develop an individual approach for that couple to get them the best result possible. I give very specific examples and directions on how to improve the situation. I do not just sit back and give you a different room to fight in. If you like what you have read, give a call and let’s talk and see if I can help. couples therapy, pre-marital, marital, and open to all relationship types.

Anxiety and Stress
A little anxiety in life is normal and useful. However, when anxiety stops you from enjoying your life something needs to change. Anxiety is one of the easiest conditions to treat, if you know how to do it properly. That’s where I come in! From my Brentwood office, you will receive compassionate solution-oriented counseling for any anxiety you may be experiencing. I will help you take back control of your life. My goal is to separate anxiety from you as my client, so that it no longer controls you or defines you. Together we will focus on solutions tailored to your particular situation.
Do you wake up in the middle of the night or morning feeling tense, anxious or jittery for no apparent reason? Have you visited your doctor or even the emergency room because of a sense of panic? Are you missing out on life and fun experiences out of fear of leaving your home? If so, you are probably experiencing one of a variety of different anxiety disorders. Come see me so that I can help remove problematic, anxious feelings from your day-to-day thoughts. I specialize in helping people control and channel their anxiety.

Depression and Sadness
A little depression or sadness in life is normal. However, when depression stops you from enjoying your life something is not right. Through counseling, I will help you gain control of any sadness you have.
I use specialized cognitive and behavioral therapy methods that give people the necessary tools to live a more effective life. It is possible to get back on track and enjoy your life again.
Depression tires you, causes low self-esteem, interferes with your sleep, leads to anxiety, creates poor eating habits, and robs you of your concentration. Not to mention, the feelings of guilt or shame that can lead to feeling hopeless. It’s simple: No one wants to live with depression.
I understand that many times shaking that feeling is much easier said than done. The good news is that there is hope and help for depression through therapy. I have helped many people achieve increased happiness by offering them an effective treatment for depression. Through compassionate and results-focused counseling, I will help you make meaningful changes to the behaviors and thoughts that contribute to your depression and sadness.
Together we will focus on solutions tailored to your particular situation so that you can get on to living a better life ASAP. If you have any questions or would like to set up an appointment, give me a call. And thanks for taking this first step with me.
Career Coaching and Burnout
Managing your career can be a delicate affair. No mater what the field, be it a startup, media, or advertising navigating personalities, and your own reactions can be a challenge. That's were I can be of help, in several ways. First, I can be a solid neutral sounding board to get an unbiased perspective from. Secondly, I can coach you on techniques to manage your reactions, and prevent or improve burnout. Lastly, together we can develop a solid, and pragmatic plan on how to move forward in your career.